You will get into the "CARTOONY MINDSET" where the phrase "You can't do that." doesn't exist anymore.
Course trailer Enroll NowDo you remember watching “Looney Tunes” or Disney cartoons and seeing crazy actions that you just had to go back and pause to see how it was done? Chances are it was a really wacky or cartoony move that you would never see a real person or animal do.
Maybe when you paused it you saw a character stretching or smearing in really bizarre ways but when you watched it in real time you didn't even notice it?
These are all animation tricks and ideas that animators use to bring more comedic value and snappiness to their scenes.
Cartoony animation comes naturally to some people but is very difficult for others. It spawns from pure imagination. Some people just have it. But how do you learn it? You can't just copy it from life. How do you animate a movement you've never seen? How do you shoot reference for an action that no human alive could do?
In this course we will focus on getting away from reality and start coming up with cartoon style ideas that sell your character’s motivations in the most entertaining ways. You will learn how to use comedic and classic tricks that are usually reserved for 2d animation but can be brought into CG. We will teach you to push a rig past what it may be designed to do.
You will get into the "CARTOONY MINDSET" where the phrase "You can't do that." doesn't exist anymore.
You will learn to start thinking and looking at motion differently and how to push movements and ideas further than you ever have before. Sometimes you'll push the limits so far that it will look wrong on one frame but flow seamlessly when playing back at 24 frames per second.
You will learn the cartoony tricks that you've seen since you were a kid on shows like “Tom and Jerry” and “Looney Tunes” and movies like “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”.
We will teach you simple but effective ways to play with timing to emphasize comedic motions.
You will learn how to use live action reference without falling into the trap of copying reality.
And the most fun part: You will learn how to bend every rule you've ever learned in animation, rules that in the past kept your character bound by gravity and held down by weight and mass.
At the end of this course you'll have the tools to be able to create comedic, snappy and fun animation that even the top industry professionals will want to step frame through to see how you did it.
Course duration: 3 months
The course starts every 3 months:
June 1, September 1, December 1, March 1
Price for Independent Studies:
3 monthly payments for the course $199 USD each
or 1 full course payment $597 USD
Prerequisites: Intermediate Animation Skills
Recommended software: Autodesk Maya
Additional animation tutorials:
CGTarian Masters Animation Workshops
100% risk-free, 14-day money back guarantee.
The best way to learn what this course is about and get an insight into it!
What this course is about? David Stodolny explains his approach to cartoony animation.
Alternative way of using your reference from David. Extra hints on how to make emotions more believable and later make them exaggerated and cartoony.
Some tricks from 2D animation to CG animation. Using smears. Overlapping elements.
Content developed by professionals, challenging assignments and mentor's assistance is your way to success!
3 months of intense studies! Comprehensive animation course!
12 online meetings with your mentor and video reviews of your work!
More than 20 hours of video lectures and tutorials!
More than 50+ recordings of QnA sessions and video reviews available!
Putting your creative ideas into life is simple to do... Just devote some time.
The best course and personal progress evaluation is students’ feedback.
Good !
— Hung Phan
Content is good, love to see examples from cartoons that are making use of these methods/principles in creative ways.
— Olov Johansson
This course is very good and give me a lot of things to improve my work.
— Thai Truong
Full list of student feedback you will find on "CGTarian Students' Reviews & Testimonials" page.
Full list of student reviews you will find on this page "Students' feedback".
100% risk-free, 14-day money back guarantee.
Attention! This course is provided at a reduced price meaning independent studies without mentor's assistance, no online meetings or video reviews of your assignments. However, recordings of QnA’s and video reviews of previous groups will be available for your reference.
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Many of our students got employed in world famous studios working on top level projects. Below you can find some of them: